Inspirational Author & Teacher

Robin Meyerson is an inspirational teacher, award-winning author of several books and a Tikkun Olam Top Ten Change Maker, Unsung Hero, & Influencer

Robin does strategic planning and life coaching for Rabbi Nivin’s Chaburas. She’s also the VP of the National Jewish Education Foundation and the founder of Project Inspire Arizona where she inspires 1000s of volunteers to learn and grow together in Jewish wisdom. Her volunteer passion is serving as the West Coast Director for the National Association of Chevra Kadishas (burial society) creating groundbreaking educational materials for assisting families to choose burial instead of cremation. Robin has entertained and educated 100,000 people around the country with her miracle stories through radio and television appearances. She has a Master’s Degree in International Management from Thunderbird Graduate School of Business. Robin is happily married 31 years and mom to 5 beautiful children ages 24 to 9 and 3 grandsons.

***All proceeds from Robin Meyerson courses, personal coaching, and books purchases go to the Jewish Wellness Research Institute. JWRI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to Jewish wellness - providing inspirational and practical books, classes, and one-on-one coaching in Jewish wisdom.

How Not To Waste Your Life

2 PM EST | 12 PM MST | 11 AM PST

Life is short! Join me online!

  • Figure out your purpose as a woman in this generation

  • Learn what you are here to fix up in your personality

  • Make a set of priority goals

  • Get the right mindset for happiness in this world and the next

  • Create a schedule to get it done by day, week, month

Personal Coaching: Interested in one-on-one coaching to figuring out how to make the most of life? Available for $99 per hour.

Middos Miracles

We all have a purpose - a reason for why we are in this world.

One of our purposes is to fix up some of our character traits! No one on Earth is perfect - Only God is perfect!

So while we are in this world - we are usually so focused on building our physical bank account. But you can’t take your physical bank account with you in the end. More importantly - you can take your spiritual bank account!

The way you do this is working to improve your “middos” - character traits!

Life is a journey of hopefully 120 years - but our souls go on to live for eternity in the next world. ETERNITY IS A REALLY LONG TIME! So we want to build up the biggest spiritual bank account ever by improving our middos!

These short stories show that it is totally possible to improve - to change - to grow in our middos.